安徽财经大学统计与应用数学学院ROSE seminar第八期通知(附议程安排)
发布时间: 2018-11-01 浏览次数: 489

安徽财经大学统计与应用数学学院ROSE seminarResearch onStatistics & Econometrics seminar, 统计与计量经济学论坛),是由安徽财经大学统计与应用数学学院发起,论坛秉承交流、提高的学术风格,主要召集选题有意义、故事新颖、方法有创新、论证严谨的高水平学术论文,旨在为校内和国内经济统计和计量经济学者提高专业水平的学术交流平台。

ROSE Seminar第八期于2018116上午8点半至11点半举行,本次Seminar邀请英国普利茅斯大学统计系博士生导师Dr. Wei Yinghui作专题报告。报告题目如下表。欢迎校内外师生前往参加交流讨论。








报告人:Dr. Wei Yinghui



题目:Survival analysis:   from individual level data to aggregate data

报告人:Dr. Wei Yinghui

摘要:In this talk, We will discuss the use of difference in restricted mean survival time as an alternative measure to hazard ratio in survival analysis. Examples will be given to illustrate the use of restricted mean survival time in individual study. In aggregate data meta-analyses of survival outcomes from multiple studies, an essential step is to extract the estimated effect measures and their variances from publications. We develop a tool to convert the published Kalan-Meier curves to survival data at individual level, which contain the event indicator as well as the time to event for each individual. The reconstructed data open the possibility to estimate the hazard ratios and the difference in restricted mean survival time, and hence enable the use of these measures in aggregate meta-analyses of time-to-event outcome.