| 姓名 | 郑林 |
职称、学位 | 副教授、博士 |
邮箱 | hbzhenglin@126.com |
专业 | 计算数学 |
研究方向 | 非线性数值代数 |
1.Lin Zheng (郑林), The Picard-HSS-SOR iteration method for absolute value equations, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2020, 258: 1-9.
2. Lin Zheng (郑林), Semilocal convergence of a modified Chebyshev-like's method for solving nonlinear equations under generalized weak condition, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 2018, 24 (2): 354-369.
3. Lin Zheng (郑林), The convergence theorem for fourth-order super-Halley method in weaker conditions, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2016, 289: 1-12.
4. Lin Zheng (郑林), Ke Zhang, Liang Chen, on the convergence of a modified Chebyshev-like’s method for solving nonlinear equations, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2015,19 (1): 193-209.
5. 陈亮,顾传青,郑林,非线性方程的数值迭代法及其半局部收敛性,数学进展,2014, 4: 481-495.
6. Lin Zheng (郑林), Chuanqing Gu, Fourth-order convergence theorem by using majorizing functions for super-Halley method in Banach spaces, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2013, 90 (2): 423-434.
7. Chuanqing Gu, Lin Zheng (郑林), Computation of Matrix Functions with Deflated Restarting, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2013, 237: 223-233.
8. Lin Zheng (郑林), Chuanqing Gu, Semilocal convergence of a sixth-order method in Banach spaces, Numerical Algorithms, 2012, 61: 413-427.
9. Lin Zheng (郑林), Chuanqing Gu, Recurrence relations for semilocal convergence of a fifth-order method in Banach spaces, Numerical Algorithms, 2012, 59: 623–638.
10. Lin Zheng (郑林), Gongqin Zhu, A new method of constructing bivariate vector valued rational interpolation function, Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition,2011, 31 (4), 605-616.
11. 郑林,朱功勤,构造向量值有理插值的一种新方法,高等学校计算数学学报,2011, 33 (3): 270-278.
12. Chuanqing Gu, Lin Zheng (郑林), Interpolation formula of Constructing Matrix-valued Rational Functions, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Matrix Theory and Its Applications, Shanghai, 2010, 1: 72-75.
13. 朱功勤,郑林,矩形网格上的有理插值公式,自然科学进展,2009, 19 (5): 520-525.
14. 郑林,丁友平,构造向量值有理插值函数的一种方法,合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版),2008, 31 (11): 1898-1899.